I am not all that religious and I was not raised Catholic so I have never given anything up for Lent. Every year I consider it but in the end I always end up thinking I would feel like a fraud if I tried to act like a Catholic just to give something bad up. I should just be doing that normally.
- Coffee
- Booze
- Candy
- Baked Goods
- Bread
- Chocolate
- My cell phone
With the exception of my cell phone, I really don't over do that much on this list all that often. Yes, I do have 2-3 coffees/lattes a day (which is more than I should) but I no longer drink soda so nanna nanna boo boo!
Sunday is Valentine's Day! I've bought the kiddos their gifts (I always get them something small and a small box of chocolates). The thing I love about Valentine's Day is that it means we are half way through February! Oh how I long for March. March in Wisconsin is a crap shot weather wise. We are likely to get a few 60-70 degree days, a few 0-10 degree days, a couple of good snow storms and maybe a thunderstorm or two. It really is interesting but it does get warmer! I am looking forward to getting back outside on my bike.
(the view on my run)
(Lake Loop Path lunch run)
My runs have been cold lately. Nothing like coming back in to find your butt is frozen, LOL. Winter makes me tired and want to stay in bed under my electric blanket. Please spring, I beg you, please come soon!