Wednesday, May 25, 2016

TRI Season 2016 is here!!

Whoo hoo!  Tri Season 2016 is officially here!  Last weekend I traveled to St. Louis to compete in the 1st Annual St. Louis Triathlon.  After a very up and down off season I was excited to race.  The STL Tri offers a sprint and olympic distance.  Since I have a half ironman tri in less than a month (GULP), I went for the olympic distance which consists of a 0.9 mile swim, 26 mile bike, and 6.2 mile run.

Swim: Definitely was not my best but not my worst either (Please see my 2015 Tri Season begins! post for more details).  My sighting wasn't up to par and I had issues trying to find open water.  Lots of bumping other people and stopping to readjust directions.  After talking post-race with many different people this seemed to be the trend of the day.  I will be happy when we start OWS practices.  But considering I had only been in the pool 3 times in the last month prior to the race I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.

Bike:  I am pretty happy with this.  Bike was pancake flat with the exception of one small hill.  It was a two loop course.  My watch malfunctioned after the swim and I could not get it into bike mode.  I had no idea how fast I was going so the first loop I hung with someone who seemed to be going at an ok clip.  After the first loop, I thought I could go faster without trashing my legs for the run.  I think I did but I have no data to back that up.

Run:  I stopped to go to the bathroom quickly out of transition (porta potties were after the timing chip) and then started to run.  I did not take hydration on the run because they promised aid stations every mile.  I severely regret that decision.  It was HOT!  The first two miles were good.  Then I slowed down mile 3 and 4.  At mile 5 I hit a wall.  I think lack of fueling and hydration really hurt me. 

Overall not a horrible race (3 hrs. 15 min) but I was a bit disappointed in my swim and run (especially my run).  After Augusta I made a promise to hydrate well throughout the race but I didn't deliver on that promise and I paid the price.  I will certainly be working on this over the next month to ensure I don't do this at Milkman.  

Milkman Half Iron Triathlon 24 Days
Ironman Wisconsin 108 Days

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